Industry news
155 results total, viewing 101 - 120
As a life-long journalist, I know how tough it can be to report the views of people who are bitterly divided. We think we’ve got it right. But the emails and social media messages often scream … more
Sunshine Day 2019 will mark the fifth annual awards program from the Sunshine Center recognizing individuals from across North Carolina whose work exemplifies the value we place on keeping citizens … more
The holidays are a special time for families in North Carolina to gather and look ahead to the New Year with anticipation and enthusiasm. It’s also a time when we reflect on the past year including … more
With no shortage of free information on the internet, millions of Americans have decided they don't need to shell out for a subscription to their local newspaper. But new research suggests this … more
Since you are interested in the state of the news media in this country, I wanted to let you know about our 2018 report,  The Expanding News Desert,  being released today, and the … more
Since you are interested in the state of the news media in this country, I wanted to let you know about our 2018 report,  The Expanding News Desert,  being released today, and the … more
Facebook and Twitter are declining as news and media referral sources on mobile, according to a report from traffic analytics company Chartbeat, which finds that users are increasingly using search … more
Facebook and Twitter are declining as news and media referral sources on mobile, according to a report from traffic analytics company Chartbeat, which finds that users are increasingly using search … more
Newsday Media Group, the leading news source for Long Island and New York City and the ninth largest newspaper in the United States, has selected SCS to install SCS/Track for print and digital ad … more
Newsday Media Group, the leading news source for Long Island and New York City and the ninth largest newspaper in the United States, has selected SCS to install SCS/Track for print and digital ad … more
2018 will be observed Oct. 7-13, 2018. The annual celebration marks the impact of newspapers in their communities.Material, including editorials, cartoons, promotional ads and more, is now available … more
2018 will be observed Oct. 7-13, 2018. The annual celebration marks the impact of newspapers in their communities.Material, including editorials, cartoons, promotional ads and more, is now available … more
Amid early Florence relief efforts, Gov. Roy Cooper tweeted, “Local news is more vital than ever,” and he was right: Our state benefited from a tremendous local news effort over the past … more
The Dow Jones News Fund invites media companies from across the country to sign up for DJNF summer interns. Last summer we placed 81 interns at 55+ newsrooms as digital media and data journalists, … more
MINNEAPOLIS, MN - Adams Publishing Group announced today that it has purchased the assets of Cooke Communications, LLC, based in Greenville, North Carolina, and in Key West, Florida, including its … more
We applaud the International Trade Commission (ITC) for today reaching a final, unanimous negative determination that Canadian imports of uncoated groundwood paper, which includes newsprint used by … more
The Wilson Times Co. will purchase the Kenly News, Pine Level News, Princeton News Leader and The Selma News and combine the four publications into a county-wide weekly newspaper under the … more
The Duke Reporters’ Lab is joining McClatchy Carolinas and the UNC Reese News Lab in an ambitious project to expand non-partisan fact-checking throughout North Carolina. With a $50,000 grant … more
Today, the U.S. Department of Commerce (Commerce) announced its affirmative final determination on countervailing duties (CVD) and antidumping duties (AD) on imports of uncoated groundwood paper from … more
Working journalists are invited to apply for fellowships to attend Media Law School 2018, to be held Sept. 19-22 in Columbia, South Carolina at the University of South Carolina. Media Law School … more
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