NCPA news
237 results total, viewing 201 - 220
The North Carolina Press Association will continue to fight to ensure access to public notices for all citizens, not just those with a computer and Internet connection. The statistics clearly show … more
A state lawmaker’s personal grudge against the newspaper industry could end up hurting workers and delaying delivery for early risers. Sen. Trudy Wade, R-Guilford, filed a March 28 bill that … more
The Wilson Times will open its doors at 126 Nash St. W to the public for the first time this morning.After closing its 2001 Downing St. SW location Friday, the 121-year-old newspaper has returned to … more
Please contact your senate delegation to oppose this bill as amended. Key Points: - HB 205 as amended by in the Senate Commerce Committee would for the first time require NC newspaper … more
Following Winter Institute, a review of contest categories and results showed several categories had not been awarded at the banquet. Our review showed that the judging assignments had not been … more
Jared told me about a technique his sales team uses. “I learned it in a seminar years ago, and I’ve seen it used in different industries. It’s based on presenting both sides of the … more
Check out what's happening at the NCPA Federal Credit Union this month.  Our loan rates might surprise you... more
Across social media, North Carolina lawmakers, media members and others are remembering Mark Binker, the veteran state political reporter who died unexpectedly on Saturday. A memorial service has … more
Saundra’s experience as a sales manager has given her a unique perspective on client relationships. “Most sales people in the advertising business are taught to discover problems and … more
What’s the first word you associate with editorials? Editorials can serve a variety of roles.They educate. What are the current rental codes and how would they be strengthened under a proposed … more
Members of NCPA's Membership Services/Professional Development Committee met this month to take a look at the contests in preparation for fall's entry period. Committee members looked at both … more
I’m always amused—and a bit disappointed—when someone tells me “I just love breaking the rules” of design. More often than not, that person isn’t breaking any … more
RALEIGH -- Bills filed in the N.C. House and Senate would preserve the requirement that governments publish legal notices in newspapers, a step press advocates are hailing as a victory for the … more
During a press conference todayattended by several NCPA members, Reps. Ross, Davis, Goodman and Malone introduced HB 572, NCPA-supported legislation to keep public notices in newspapers, as well as … more
During the legislative session, public notices are at the top of our watch list. This time of year also generates a lot of questions on what exactly is public notice, where and when they must publish … more
State Sen. Rick Horner wants to ensure public legal notices — important announcements of special meetings, land transfers, contract bids and other government actions — are posted where … more
Catherine climbed the ranks from sales person to sales manager at her paper. “Although I’ve been in the business for a long time,” she told me, “there’s always a new way to look at … more
Calling it a matter of the public’s right know, North Carolina newspaper publishers are pushing back against a bill that would let governments and attorneys stop publishing public and legal notices … more
A Times editorial Some North Carolina lawmakers want local governments to compete with newspapers and sell legal advertising, making important information more difficult to find. Sen. Trudy … more
Contrary to Senator Wade's claims in her recent press release, her bill to change the legal advertising law is not supported by the NCPA. more
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