Media Summit at Appalachian State University - August 1, 2017


The High Country PIO Network is sponsoring a Media Summit on August 1. To strengthen relationships with local and regional media outlets, the Network has opened registration to the event to members of the NCPA. The Summit will include a panel on HIPAA, FERPA and matters of privacy; a discussion of how to talk about death in a public when the worst happens; and the role of social media in public information. NCPA General Counsel Amanda Martin will be on the HIPAA/FERPA panel. The luncheon keynote speaker will be Elaney Katsafanas, Emergency Management Planner for Charlotte-Mecklenburg Management and Charlotte Fire Department. See the schedule at

A continental breakfast and lunch will be provided, and there is no cost to attendees, but registration is limited. So if you would like to attend, email Stephanie Naoum ( by COB Tuesday, July 25. She will send you a link to register.