Some Newspaper in Education programs offer classroom sets of print newspapers at special rates. Others offer electronic or e-Editions of their newspapers and/or Web editions. To order newspapers, contact the person who manages the Newspaper in Education program or the circulation manager or publisher. Ask for order forms, similar to the three provided here. FORM 1 (2014-2015). FORM 1 (2015-2016). FORM 2 (2014-2015). FORM 2 (2015-2016). FORM 3 (Calendar & Cost 2014-2015). FORM 3 (Calendar & Cost 2015-2016). Use the contact list for Newspapers in Education and other education outreach to find out how local newspapers work with schools. Usually a newspaper that offers print editions establishes a minimum order of five to ten newspapers per delivery and asks that you order for consecutive days, weeks or the entire school year. To give newspapers adequate time to set up orders, make your request two weeks in advance. Newspapers offer print and/or online order forms. Before ordering, take stock of the newspaper or newspapers you plan to use, whether using print and/or online editions. Read the newspapers regularly and become familiar with the navigational aids designed to help readers locate information. Look through each day's newspaper and write down the things that make that day's paper different from others. You should look for special sections, columns, commentary, photo galleries and inserts. Pay particular attention to content aimed at younger readers and content that will support your teaching goals. If you have questions, ask your newspaper for a description of specific features in each day's newspaper. Teachers, you may use projected pages from a newspaper’s e-Edition (replica of print edition) to familiarize students with the print edition. Students may also use class sets of newspapers to locate information from the sections of a newspaper: News, Features, Sports, Local, Editorial, Retail ads, Classifieds, Weather, Comics and TV-Movies. To make sure students understand how newspapers organize information, have them search different newspapers for the sections. They may also use different newspapers to illustrate terms, such as headline, byline, dateline, jump, index, cut and cutline. Once students become familiar with newspapers, vary your approaches. If print editions are available, NIE teachers order a class set each time students study the newspaper or order enough for students to work in teams or small groups (one newspaper for two or three students). If students rotate through centers or small groups work on different assignments, fewer newspapers (three to five) may be ordered and used in the classroom. You may further differentiate instruction by dividing newspapers, giving students different sections or pages along with appropriate assignments. E-Editions allow teachers to select and print stories if they choose to do so. If you have enough computers for group work, students can complete newspaper activities based on the e-Edition or Web edition. However you use newspapers, to better organize efforts in your school, coordinate efforts with other teachers. Be sure to discuss resources available through your media and technology specialists. If print editions are available, place orders for classroom newspapers with others who teach the same course or grade level or teach in the same department or school. For example, one teacher may coordinate orders for the 4th grade and another might order for his or her social studies department. Also, share teaching ideas that make effective use of newspapers. Begin by surveying students to find out if they are familiar with newspapers: 1. What is your local newspaper? 2. What is your regional newspaper? 3. Do you read a newspaper on a regular basis? At home? In School? 4. Do you read online editions? 5. Do you have favorite parts or sections of the newspaper? 6. Have you used newspapers in other classes? 7. What other media do you use to learn about local news and current events? 8. Do you set aside time each day to listen to, read about or view the news? Communicate with parents about your plans to use newspapers in your classroom. Explain your teaching goals. To involve parents, send the newspapers or information about online editions home with students. Stimulate conversation about the role of newspapers. Encourage students to ask parents whether they use newspapers to help in routine daily chores, such as shopping or selecting movies, and to decide how to vote in elections. Consider having students interview their parents to find out more about their sources for news. Choose from the following questions: 1. Where do you get your news? Do you read a newspaper? 2. Which newspaper do you read the most regularly? 3. When and where do you read it? 4. How often do you read it? 5. Do you subscribe or do you buy it at the newsstands? 6. How much does it cost? 7. Why did you choose that particular paper? What do you like best about it? 8. Do you read more than one newspaper? Why do you read that newspaper? 9. Do you ever read an online newspaper? Which one? Why? 10. Other than your local newspaper, where do you get news about your community and the state? 11. Where do you get news about the nation and world? 12. Do you set aside or devote time each day for the news?